
Instagram: @adonis_cosplay
What do you define cosplay as?
Cosplay is bringing your favorite characters to life.

First experience with cosplay?
My first experience with cosplay was when my friend and I decided to go to a local anime convention together. We both decided we should cosplay from our favorite anime series, Naruto. So we bought a bunch of things online and cosplays Kakashi and Sasori.

Why do you cosplay?
I cosplay because I love to create things. I love being able to bring a character to life and push the limits of my skills. I also just think it's fun to act like your favorite character with your friends :)

What problems do you notice in the community?
There are so many people who put on a false personality to the public. A lot of people talk really bad about people behind their back which is unfortunate because most people in this community do cosplay because they are looking for an outlet to cheer them up. People need to learn to be nice to others.

How long have you been cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying for 6 years

What kind of cosplayer do you consider yourself?
I'm not sure if I categorize myself. I just love making cosplays and spending time with the awesome people I've met in this community.

Cosplay or crossplay? Both?
Depends on the character. I'd personally rather genderbend then crossplay, but I'm not at all against it.

Do you see yourself cosplaying in 10 years?
I will cosplay until I'm an old fart :)

If someone told you they hated your cosplay, what would you do?
If someone said they hated my cosplay I'd say "Cool dude! Thanks so much! :D

If someone told you they loved your cosplay, what would you do?
If someone said they loved my cosplay I'd say "Cool dude! Thanks so much! :D I seriously appreciate anyone who takes time to compliment my cosplays. It means the world to me. I also thank people who say they hate my stuff because everyone needs a little positivity :)

Homemade cosplay or bought/commissioned cosplay?
I like to make as much as I can, but if I know someone else could do a better job then I am more than happy to commission some stuff from people.

There is a lot of debate if westerns/Asians should cosplay, your thoughts?
Everyone should cosplay. Everyone from everywhere. It is the best hobby ever.

Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
I haven't really had much of an opportunity to work with others. I enjoy it when I get to though!

Do you have a current cosplay fave?
My current favorite cosplay is Nyx from Final Fantasy XV

What is your most expensive cosplay?
My most expensive cosplay is the movie replica Deadpool suit I commissioned. It cost too much to say :X

What is your least expensive cosplay?
My least expensive cosplay Ren from Dramatical Murder because I just needed Paint and a wig.

What is your favorite cosplay?
Kakashi is my fav because it was what got me started in cosplay

What is a cosplay pet peeve of yours?
Making gloves is my biggest pet peeve...

If you could cosplay anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'd love to cosplay in either Europe or Japan. Both places seem like they'd be amazing for cosplay.

Where was your first convention?
My first convention was Naka Kon in Kansas City

Where was your last convention?
My last convention was Anime Expo in California

What is your favorite part of putting on your cosplay?
Putting on the last piece without any of it breaking *Hallelujah!*

What is your least favorite part?
Makeup is my least favorite because I'm terrible at it and it takes forever and a half.

Videos or photography?
Currently photography, but I love making video tutorials for cosplay.

Photoshopped or unshopped images?
Most of my photos have small touch ups in photoshop, but I'd love to learn how to really edit pictures to look amazing.

For costuming, there is also a huge debate about who and what can cosplay. Your thoughts?
Cosplay whatever the heck you want to cosplay. No one can tell you otherwise.

Do you have cosplays that are sometimes painful or uncomfortable? Are you willing to bleed for your art? If so, how much?
YES omg... So many cosplays don't let me sit down so my legs and back start really hurting. I have some that are incredibly uncomfortable. If I can't last more than an hour in the cosplay then it's not worth it.

How far into the character are you willing to go while in cosplay? At the end of the day are you "YOU" or are you your "CHARACTER"?
I actually stay me most of the time. Only a few cosplays actually bring a character forward. Deadpool is the major one. I think it's because of the mask haha

Wigs or no wigs? Do you prefer to style your wigs, commission a style or buy them pre styled?
Wigs for sure because you can reuse them at any point. I usually style my own wigs, but every now and again you need professional help haha

Contacts or no contacts?
Regular contacts for sure! Sclera contacts kill my eye balls

How do you save money for your cosplay?
You don't XD. Cosplay is a money sink.

Where do you find yourself cosplaying? Is it something you stick with for conventions and events only?
I usually cosplay for conventions, but I can't help but get into cosplay every now and again at home :)

Where do you go most often for photoshoots? Do you do photoshoots?
I love photo shoots. I usually go to outdoor foresty areas, but I love going to urban or run down locations.

Describe yourself with a meme?
This is me in my purest form

One question you have for me?
Why did you choose me for your interview?


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